You, the petitioner
Mms op rtl nieuws 2018 07 16 om 12.30.08

MMS prohibited? Health forbidden!

480 signatures

  • On February 28, 2018, the Dutch Ministry of Health watchdog NVWA published a one-sided and objectionable investigation into MMS, a simple oxidiser gaining worldwide popularity because of frequently demonstrated positive health results among users. A hatchet Job! Dutch Government organizations (NVWA, NIVM, BuRo), RTL4 TV News, various online news platforms as well as a TV toxicologist have ensured that MMS was put in a bad light. Use of MMS was discouraged, sales restricted. Suppliers were targeted, in some cases fined and forced to stop supplying. And in the eyes of authorities, we, (intelligent, self-aware and self-thinking MMS users) are disrespectfully portrayed as a willing prey of quackery and money-making off of the back of someone else's suffering. These are blatant lies as the contrary is true. This witch hunt against MMS has to stop!



Steven (the petitioner), users and sympathizers of MMS


establish that:

  • that the NVWA has published a one-sided and objectionable investigation into MMS. Unjustified is suggested and concluded that the use of MMS leads to serious acute and chronic health risks.

  • that the witch hunt against MMS by the aforementioned organizations and individuals is an attack on the fundamental right to health and life of all people.

  • that any law or measure aimed at preventing the provision of a demonstrably safe and health-promoting substance to humans cannot stand. This is a crime and justifies a defence against it.


and request

  • The Dutch Parliament, in the interests of the health of all Dutch people, to motivate mr. Bruins, Ducth Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport: to annul the one-sided and objectionable NVWA investigation.

  • in collaboration with the petitioner, to enable an independent study into the health-promoting aspects of MMS, by Dutch users.

  • to ensure the right to self-determination on the health and life of every Dutch citizen in the Dutch Medicines Act. This can be done by defining the concept of 'folk medicine' as a self-care medicine that can be used, produced and supplied by every person without a prescription or supervision by a medical doctor, pharmacist, chemist or what have we.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Stichting Mamiso Foundation en gebruikers van MMS 

